Saturday, December 5, 2020

Santa Under The Bridge 2020

 We managed to pull off the project despite the restrictions of COVID-19. A couple of places declined to participate and they had good reasons. We'll take care of them next year.

Women In Supported Housing and Supportive Housing For Young Mothers was our first stop.

Shelter Nova Scotia's Herring Cove Apartments was next.

And Marguerite Centre.

On Day 2 we stopped into Feeding Others of Dartmouth

Day 3 found us at Freedom Foundation of Nova Scotia

On the morning of Day 4 we went to Aerobics First to help Luke with his Fit It Forward program.
Then it was off to Alcare Place and Direction 180.

Thursday afternoon we visited Welcome Housing And Support which has 2 facilities we donate to, Stewart Place and Amethyst Apartments.

We rounded things off on Day 5 with a visit to the new Stepping Stone 
and to Souls Harbour Rescue Mission.

We still have gifts for the Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Centre

and Laing House.

All in all it was a fun time as always.

Friday, November 6, 2020

November 2020

 We've had our first snowfall of the year. As is often the case here, it has come and gone and we're back to mild fall weather. But, winter is coming. Work on this year's project is progressing better than expected. A couple of the places we donate to have canceled, but for the most part everything will go as it always does. We have lots of scarves and hats and blankets.

And dish cloths. I set a personal goal for myself to complete 200 dish cloths. Currently, I am on 175 so I think I might make it.

Just before this year's project begins on November 28, Last House on the Block Society will have its 8 year birthday which means the project, Santa Under the Bridge, is in its seventh year. Hard to believe that a small gesture - to knit scarves for the ladies in Marguerite Centre and give them as xmas gifts - has turned into the full scale project it has. In addition to Marguerite Centre, we also provide gifts to Alcare Place, Freedom Foundation, Stewart Place, Amethyst Apartments, Herring Cove Apartments, Feeding Others of Dartmoith, Souls Harbour Rescue Mission, Stepping Stone, Laing House, Mikmaw Native Friendship Center, Direction 180, Fit It Forward, Club 24, Supportive Housing for Young Mothers, and Women in Supported Housing.

In case you don't know already, the location of our registered office is

Last House on the Block Society
38 Trentonian Lane
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 0C4

That's the address you would send a check or money order to if you wanted to make a donation the old fashioned way.

or you may send an etransfer to

you can check us out at Facebook by going to any of these pages:

or visit our website to learn more about us at:

follow us on twitter


or just bookmark this blog because Under The Bridge is the official newsletter of Last House on the Block Society.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

October 2020


Not much to report. Nancy and I did complete another afghan blanket show above. Lots of scarves have found their way to us from our various knitters. Leona, Nicole, Pauline, Valerie, Helen, as well as our hat makers, Nikki, Annette and a few others. And, of course, Nancy and I have knitted quite a few items as well.

I have been in touch with most of the places we donate to and although some of them are not serving as many clients as they usually do, most of them will be accepting donations from us.

It's good because we are looking forward to donning our santa suits and making our rounds.

In case you don't know already, the location of our registered office is

Last House on the Block Society
38 Trentonian Lane
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 0C4

That's the address you would send a check or money order to if you wanted to make a donation the old fashioned way.

or you may send an etransfer to

you can check us out at Facebook by going to any of these pages:

or visit our website to learn more about us at:

follow us on twitter


or just bookmark this blog because Under The Bridge is the official newsletter of Last House on the Block Society.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

August 2020

August already. Not much difference from last month except it's been a very warm month temperature-wise and the heat makes us all cranky and knitting is harder than usual. But, we survived it. Nancy finished the afghan she was crocheting.
I am still knitting the squares for mine, but only have a couple left so next month I should have a photo of that.

Oh and Valerie our knitter in Cape Breton, has complete 50 scarves for us. So that's always good.

Aside from that, you're up to date.

In case you don't know already, the location of our registered office is

Last House on the Block Society
38 Trentonian Lane
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 0C4

That's the address you would send a check or money order to if you wanted to make a donation the old fashioned way.

or you may send an etransfer to

you can check us out at Facebook by going to any of these pages:

or visit our website to learn more about us at:

follow us on twitter


or just bookmark this blog because Under The Bridge is the official newsletter of Last House on the Block Society.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

July update

Here we are, moving into July. I seem to have missed the June issue. By the time we noticed our error June was just about over so we waited until this month to publish. Things are going well. We received some donations in May and June which allowed us to purchase yarn for the knitters. 

We have been doing a few yarn exchanges, being careful to practice distancing procedures.

We have received both scarves and afghans as well as hats and headbands.

I am continuing to knit dishcloths. My count is at 72 and I know a few of our other knitters are doing some as well. Nancy and I also completed an afghan.

plus we have two more in the works. The overall prognosis is good and hopefully the project will go as planned in December.

In case you don't know already, the location of our registered office is

Last House on the Block Society
38 Trentonian Lane
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 0C4

That's the address you would send a check or money order to if you wanted to make a donation the old fashioned way.

or you may send an etransfer to

you can check us out at Facebook by going to any of these pages:

and now.....

or visit our website to learn more about us at:

follow us on twitter


or just bookmark this blog because Under The Bridge is the official newsletter of Last House on the Block Society.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 2020

Not much to report.We are continuing to knit. We have managed a few yarn exchanges. with social distancing guidelines in mind, we place yarn in bags on the deck. A knitter arrives with a couple bags of knitted items, makes the exchange and drives off. Then we bring the scarves, etc. inside the office, wait 3 days then inspect it to see what we have. Such as these latest additions from Leona Riley:

We did receive some funding and some donations, enough to keep us going a month or two. We are always grateful for the donations we receive. Monetary donations can be mailed to

Last House on the Block Society
38 Trentonian Lane
Dartmouth NS
B2W 0C4

or they may be made by etransfer to

Stay safe and healthy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 2020

April is almost over and I just saw that I had forgotten to post an entry. Not much has happened. We did manage to complete the first afghan blanket. As with all the others that look like this, Bernie knitted the squares and Nancy did the crochet work. We do not know at this time how many more

we will complete, but I reckon half a dozen. We have other knitters who are working on some so we'll have to see how that goes. There has been quite a few scarves knitted, as always.

The way we look at things, Covid-19 will someday be over and there will be a Christmas later this year and santa Under the Bridge 2020 will be a thing we do as we have done every year since 2013. So we will need to be ready.

We have received financial support from Halifax City Councillors representing District 3, District 4, District 5, and District 6. We are always grateful for any donations we receive from the community.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March 2020

I have heard a rumor that spring is coming. We are okay with that. There is not a lot of activity with us at present. Knitting goes as usual. It's ironic. We don't have as much funding as we usually have at this time of year and therefore not as much yarn to work with, but we have more knitters.

We do have an online fundraising project at Flip Give. Personally, I don't do much shopping online but I hear a lot of people talking about the good deals they get by shopping with their phones. With Flipgive, you join our team which incidentally is called Santa Under the Bridge, from the project name, and if you do your shopping through the flipgive website (they have lots of common vendors there), then we get a small percentage of what you pay donated to our fundraising project. If you happen to read this and you're interested in becoming one of our team members, send us an email or message us on social media and we'll give you the promo code you need to have. The goal we hope to reach is 1,000.00 which will be used to purchase yarn or other supplies to help us pull off the project this year.

In other news, one of our board members has moved on. We wish her well in her future endeavors. It was not necessary to add a replacement and any duties she had as an Officer will be taken on by an existing board member, so that's all good.

In case you don't know already, the location of our registered office is

Last House on the Block Society
38 Trentonian Lane
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 0C4

That's the address you would send a check or money order to if you wanted to make a donation the old fashioned way.

or you may interac your donation to

you can check us out at Facebook by going to any of these pages:

and now.....

or visit our website to learn more about us at:

follow us on twitter


or just bookmark this blog because Under The Bridge is the official newsletter of Last House on the Block Society.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

February 2020

Not much to report this month. Work on the afghan blankets is still ongoing although a lot slower than usual. The knitting of the scarves is going well. I already have 24 junior scarf sets completed and about a dozen regular sets. The other knitters are also quite active.

We created a Facebook knitting group called The Knitting Corner. There are at least 11 members whom are all knitting for Last House on the Block. One of those members - Nicki - has been knitting hats with another hockey mom and they have donated about 50 hats to our project. A couple are pictured below.

Also, one of our board members has learned how to knit hats on a loom so she will be doing some of those for us.

In case you don't know already, the location of our registered office is

Last House on the Block Society
38 Trentonian Lane
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 0C4

That's the address you would send a check or money order to if you wanted to make a donation the old fashioned way.

or you may interac your donation to

you can check us out at Facebook by going to any of these pages:

and now.....

or visit our website to learn more about us at:

follow us on twitter


or just bookmark this blog because Under The Bridge is the official newsletter of Last House on the Block Society.