Tuesday, July 3, 2018

July 2018

Not much news at this time. It's summertime and the living is easy. When you're walking down the street in the evening and the temperature is 25 celsius, it's hard to imagine what it must feel like to be crawling out a snowbank under a bridge because it's where you spent the night. But, summertime won't last forever; it won't even last that long. 3, maybe 4 months. And then we'll be back to subzero temps and finding a warm dry place won't be easy.

Money is tighter than usual this year and Santa Under the Bridge 2018 will be smaller than usual. We have lots of knitted items, scarves, hats, headbands, the usual items. It's the additional items that we may be lacking, so the gift bags may not be as jam packed as they often are.

Of course, we still have 5 months before the project starts. A lot can happen in 5 months. We will keep you posted as new developments arise.

Just a few items to keep you informed. There have been a few minor changes to our Board of Directors. The Board now consists of myself, Bernie Schultz (President), Nancy Schultz (Corporate Secretary), Donna Horne (Vice President), Cyndi Murphy (Treasurer) and Mary Chaisson (Director).

The location of our registered office remains the same:

Last House on the Block Society
38 Trentonian Lane
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 0C4

 That's the address you would send a check or money order to if you wanted to make a donation the old fashion way.

or you may interact your donation to lasthouseontheblock@outlook.com

you can check us out at Facebook by going to any of these pages:




or visit our website to learn more about us at:


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or just bookmark this blog because Under The Bridge is the official newsletter of Last House on the Block Society.