Monday, January 18, 2016

The Big Picture(s)

In the fall of 2012, a friend of mine suggested I open a transition house for men in recovery from addictions. On November 28 of that year, Last House On The Block Society was formed and incorporated under the Societies Act of NS as a non-profit organization. 

Over the next ten months, we attempted to turn our vision into reality. But, the task was too big for us. In October of 2013, we altered our mission statement and became a community outreach for persons in recovery from addictions. One of our board members and co-founders, Nancy Schultz, suggested that she could knit scarves for the women in Marguerite Center and we could offer them as Christmas gifts. 

So, we set out to accomplish that. A few other volunteer knitters agreed to help and by Christmas of 2013, we had 45 scarves. We were able to donate scarves to Marguerite Center, to Direction 180, and to two recovery events in HRM. We placed the scarves in gift bags, along with some thermal socks, personal care items, a christmas card, and a sheet of Words For Today. You place those words in a box. Each day you select one, it becomes your word for the day and you try to practice that word. 

In December of 2013, we dubbed this scarf project Santa Under The Bridge. In January of 2014, we decided to make Santa Under The Bridge our main project. We received a bit of media coverage, conducted some fundraising events and received some financial support from the Dartmouth Community Health Board's Community Development Fund and from the Abenaki Aquatic Club. As a result, by Christmas of 2014, we were able to deliver our gift packs to 15 community organizations. 190 scarves total.

The organizations we donated to are:

  1. Freedom Foundation of Nova Scotia - a transition house for men in recovery from addictions, located in Dartmouth.
  2. Alcare Place - a transition house for men in recovery from addictions. Located in Halifax.
  3. Marguerite Center - a facility for women in recovery from addictions, located in Timberlea.
  4. Direction 180 - a community outreach methadone clinic.
  5. Stewart Place - a supervised apartment building for men in recovery from addictions, located in Dartmouth.
  6. Amethyst Apartments - a supervised apartment building for women in recovery from addictions and abuse, located in Dartmouth.
  7. Shelter NS - an organization that offers support and services to homeless persons.
  8. Souls Harbor Rescue Mission - a soup kitchen and community outreach for homeless persons and others, located in Halifax.
  9. Brunswick Street Mission, a soup kitchen and community outreach for homeless persons and others, located in Halifax.
  10. Margaret's House - a soup kitchen and community outreach for homeless persons and others, located in Dartmouth.
  11. Stepping Stone - a community outreach and resource center for sex trade workers, located in Halifax.
  12. Laing House - a community outreach and resource center for young adults living with a mental illness, located in Halifax.
  13. Among Friends Social Club - a safe environment for adults living with mental illness, located in Dartmouth.
  14. Mik’maw Native Friendship Center - community outreach and resource center for aboriginals, located in Halifax.
  15. Club 24 - a clubhouse for persons in recovery from alcoholism.

In 2015, we also donated to these organizations, with the exception that Shelter NS directed us to Herring Cove Apartments, a new supervised apartment building for men suffering from chronic alcoholism, chronic addiction, and chronic homelessness, located in Spryfield. This was their first Christmas in their new home.

Our directors dress up as Santa's elves when we make the deliveries. I've included some photos.

Also, in 2015, we received continued support from Abenaki Aquatic Club and Dartmouth Community Health Board, as well as Doctors NS. 

We also helped to form a knitting group at another organization. And I, Bernie, have also taken up knitting needles so that I may contribute to that part of the project as well. I'm not very fast, but as of this writing, I have four scarves and two head bands knitted. I find that it is a great stress reliever and at the same time, I am able to contribute to keeping someone warm during our harsh winter days and nights.

For 2016, our plan is 250 gift packs. We intend to donate to the same organizations as before, and with luck, we may be able to provide some organizations with more gift packs than we have in previous years.

Nancy has started a knitting group for seniors, but of course that is something she does as an individual and not part of what we do as a Society.

I am hoping to become more involved with youth in our community and that may be something I do on my own or we may be able to find a way to involve them in our project. As with most plans, it will be interesting to see how it develops.

If you wish to be involved in any of our projects or events feel free to contact us at: