Friday, March 9, 2018

March Update

Here we are, in the month of March already. It hasn't been a typically brutal winter, and hopefully in a few weeks it will be a season we refer to as "last winter".

Last House on the Block has had a small financial crunch. We missed the deadline for one of the grants we rely on for funding, but we have managed so far to weather the shortfall. We applied for funding from another source. We won't hear anything about that for a few months yet, but we'll keep our knitting needles crossed.

We were fortunate to have received funding contributions from Councillor of District 6 Tony Mancini
and also from Councillor for District 3, Bill Karsten
So, that will certainly assist us with our project.

We currently have a fundraising event set up. It's a 50-50 draw using the money board system. We sell numbered squares, 100 in all, for $10 a square. If we sell all of them, then the prize payout will be at $500. Funds for squares may be sent by interac to our email: It's probably best to contact us first if you wish a specific number. Otherwise, we'll just select random numbers for you. The draw is licensed by Service NS, permit #AGD-101295-18. The draw date is Mothers Day, but the squares are on sale now.