Friday, December 7, 2018

Santa Under The Bridge 2018

Another fantastic run this year! We got off to a rocky start. One of our drivers had to cancel at the last minute but we managed to find another. We actually had a second driver that day and she became the primary driver by default. First on our list was Supportive Housing For Young Mothers SHYM(for women ages 16-24 who are independently parenting) and Women In Supported Housing WISH (providing  safe, affordable housing for women who have experienced homelessness, traumatic pasts, or mental health related concerns). 

From there, we visited Marguerite Centre, a longterm facility for women, offering a holistic approach to recovery from substance misuse and gambling addictions.

And, we finished our first day with a visit to Herring Cove Apartments, an initiative of Shelter NS, offering an affordable, supportive environment for individuals who have experience chronic alcoholism and chronic homelessness.

Day Two brought us to Alcare Place, a longterm facility for men in recovery from addictions.

Day Three, Monday, we visited Feeding Others Of Dartmouth, a facility in Downtown Dartmouth offering free hot meals to those in need,  and the Among Friends Social Club, a club providing social activities and support to persons living with mental illness.

On Tuesday, we drove to the North End of Dartmouth to visit our friends at Stewart Place and Amethyst Apartments, supervised apartment buildings one for men and one for women.

On Wednesday, we journeyed across the Harbour to visit Direction 180, a community based methadone clinic, and Laing House, a peer support organization for youth with mental illness.

Thursday was a big day for us because we visited Souls Harbour Rescue Mission,providing food, clothing and shelter to the needy. Stepping Stone (offering support and outreach to sex trade workers), and Brunswick Street Mission (offering help to anyone living in poverty).

And on Friday we were able to donate our gifts to the Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Center, offering support and outreach to the aboriginal community.

And to the Fit It Forward program created by Luke MacDonald.

 When all was said and done, 300 scarves were donated along with an equal number of headbands or hats, plus 6 hand made afghan blankets, 200 dishcloths, and about 300 pairs of socks.