Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2015 Here We Come

Santa Under The Bridge 2014

From December 1, 2014 to December 30, 2014, donations were made to 15 community organizations in HRM (see list below). Donations consisted of an individual gift pack containing:

1 hand-made diversity scarf
1 tuque
2 pairs thermal socks
1 toiletry item (soap, shampoo, bath salts, toothpaste, toothbrush – items varied based on supplies)
1 non-addressed christmas card
1 diversity scarf card
1 set of god-box words for today
candy canes

Some gift bags contained stuffed animal toys, or coloring books and crayons.
Some gift bags contained children's fleece scarves hand-made by a volunteer knitter.
Some organizations also received donations of food (jars of peanut butter, mayonnaise, cans of cranberry sauce, pancake syrup).

Deliveries were made by volunteers from the Board of Directors who wore Santa suits. Pictures were taken and most of them have been posted at this blog on various occasions.

The organizations we were able to help are:

Freedom Foundation of Nova Scotia
Alcare Place
Margeurite Center
Direction 180
Souls Harbor Rescue Mission
Shelter NS
Mi'kmaw Native Friendship
Laing House
Brunswick Street Mission
Stepping Stone
Stewart Place
Amethyst Apartments
Among Friends Social Club
Club 24
Feeding Others of Dartmouth

In 2013, we delivered 45 gift packs. In 2014, the total number of gift packs delivered was 190 plus 4 large sacks to Feeding Others of Dartmouth.

Our Santa Under The Bridge Project was partially funded by a grant from the Dartmouth Community Health Board.

Additional funding came from fund-raising events held by 2-CAV (Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Units) and the Abenaki Aquatic Club on our behalf, as well as cheesecake raffles conducted by our volunteers, and donations.

We look forward to the work we will be able to do in 2015. We have some events in the works. Once we have the particulars on those, we will definitely keep you posted. If you would like to be involved with Last House on the Block Society, there are different ways to help.

You can donate wool for our knitters. 
You can also donate non-perishable food items such as peanut butter or ketchup, etc. We donate those items to various food programs in HRM. 
These donations can be dropped off at our registered office: 38 Trentonian Lane in Dartmouth. It's best to call first (902-789-0848) although we will be arranging a drop-off box which will be located on our front deck close to the mailbox.

You can also donate money. All money or items donated to Last House on the Block Society are used for projects conducted by Last House on the Block Society. No amount is too small. Make checks payable to:

Last House on the Block Society
38 Trentonian Lane
Dartmouth, NS B2W 0C4

If you like to knit, you can be one of our volunteer knitters.
Contact Nancy : 902-293-4095

If you'd like to be involved in the decision-making process, we still have 3 seats left on our Board of Directors. It's a 2-year commitment and commitment is something we require. This can't be something we do when it's convenient. We hold monthly board meetings and your presence at those is required.

If you are a person in recovery from an addiction, we require a minimum of one year sober or clean.

We also require volunteers for our fund-raising events, selling tickets, preparing god-boxes, dressing up as an elf and delivering gifts, things like that.

You can check us out on Facebook:

we have a volunteer group:

we have a website:

and you can follow us on twitter


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