Friday, November 28, 2014

Santa Sacks Being Prepared

Only 3 days until Santa Under The Bridge gets underway and gift bags are being filled with our Diversity scarves, donations, and items purchased with funding provided in part by the Dartmouth Community Health Board. Each organization gets 12 gift packs except in situations where we may be providing gifts for families and then we toss a few children's gift bags into our Santa sacks.

The sacks are delivered to community organizations in HRM so that they may be used as Christmas gifts for the clients of those organizations. Shown here are intended donations to Alcare Place, (a longterm facility for men in recovery from addictions, located in Halifax), Shelter Nova Scotia (an organization that provides a home to otherwise homeless men and women) and Souls Harbor Rescue Mission (a safe place for homeless persons in Halifax to receive shelter, emergency services, food, etc). Freedom Foundation of NS (a longterm facility for men in the early stages of recovery from addictions located in North Dartmouth) has received some Santa Sacks from us. Still to come are donations to Margeurite Center ( a longterm facility for women in recovery from addictions and abuse), Direction 180 (a mobile methadone clinic and support center), Micmac Friendship Center (a center located in Halifax that offers structured social based programming for Aboriginal Peoples), Stepping Stones (a support centre for those working in the sex trade), Laing House (peer support centre for youth with mental illness), Brunswick Street Mission (a center for the homeless or the yet to be homeless that offers a hot breakfast and support through various types of programming in the hope to provide its clients with a better quality of life). There are a few other places we'd like to help. it all depends on how many sacks we get into Santa's sleigh.

So if you were wondering what Last House on the Block Society was, that's what we are and this is what we do.

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