Welcome to the December issue of Under The Bridge, the official newsletter for Last House on the Block Society. We're late this month because we wanted to include all the photos from this year's Santa Under The Bridge project.
We started on Thursday December 1st with Supportive Housing For Young Mothers, located in Dartmouth. SHYM offers supportive housing, life skills development and parenting support for young single mothers aged 16 to 24. In addition to our regular gifts, we were able to give the clients baby blankets and knitted teddybears.
Next on the list was the Marguerite Centre in Halifax. Marguerite is a place of healing for women in recovery from addiction. This was our tenth year working with Marguerite Centre.
Also on Thursday, we visited Herring Cove Apartments, a project of Shelter Nova Scotia, a supported facility for males or gender diverse individuals experiencing long term alcohol dependence and who have a history of homelessness.
On Friday December 2nd, we visited the new Stepping Stone facility in Dartmouth North, a community outreach for persons in sex trade. That facility also will have a 4-bed transition project for which we were able to provide our afghan blankets to. This is our ninth year working with Stepping Stone.
Next on our list was Souls Harbour Rescue Mission in Halifax, a mission to help people with poverty, addiction, and despair.
Friday afternoon, we visited the Among Friends Social Club in Downtown Dartmouth, a social club for adults living with mental illness.
Saturday December 3rd, we went to two places in Halifax. The first was Caitlan's Place, a fairly new shelter for women and gender diverse persons caught up in the justice system. This was our second year helping them.
We also visited Aerobics First because of Luke MacDonald's Fit It Forward initiative where Luke tries to fit less fortunate folks with running shoes in an effort to improve foot health. We provide Luke with socks, scarves, hats, blankets which he can also give to his clients.
On Monday, December 5, we visited Feeding Others of Dartmouth, a charity that attempts to provide hot meals to persons within the community.
Monday afternoon, we visited Bryony House, a shelter for women in crisis situations. We have no photo because someone forgot his camera.
On Tuesday, December 6 we went to 2 places in Halifax. The first was Alcare Place, a facility dedicated to helping men aged 19 and over to recover from addictions.
And then we went to Direction 180, a program of the Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Centre, a non-profit community-based opioid treatment program located in the North End of Halifax.
Tuesday afternoon, we went to the Brunswick Street Mission, an organization that seeks to provide a better quality of life in its community.
Next on our list was Laing House, a community outreach service for youth living with mental illness.
Wednesday afternoon, we visited Welcome Housing And Support so we could provide gifts to the residents of Amethyst Apartments, a supportive building for women.
Thursday, December 8, we did our two final deliveries. The first was to the John Howard Society, an organization providing practical mental health and social support to persons in the justice system.
And last but certainly not least, we dropped off gifts to a friend we have who is connected to the Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Center which provides structured social based programming for Urban Aboriginal persons in Halifax.
And that is that for this year. Most of our knitters have already started working on next year's project.
If you would like to make a donation to Last House on the Block Society, here are some of the ways you can do that:
The location of our registered office is
Last House on the Block Society
38 Trentonian Lane
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 0C4
That's the address you would send a cheque or money order to if you wanted to make a donation the old fashioned way.
or you may send an etransfer to lasthouseontheblock@outlook.com
you can check us out at Facebook by going to any of these pages:
you can add us at our new Twitter feed @LastHouseOnThe3
we have an Instagram feed now with the username of santaunderbridge
or you may visit our website to learn more about us at:
or just bookmark this blog because Under The Bridge is the official newsletter of Last House on the Block Society.
See you soon.