We had our 9th successful Santa Under The Bridge project during the first week of December. We donated to many of the same places. Altogether, we have donated to eighteen organizations. All photos may be viewed at our websites, but here are a few highlights.
On Wednesday December 1, we did Supportive Housing For Young Mothers.
and we also did Caitlan's Place (which offers transitional housing and support to women and gender diverse persons who are currently in the criminal justice system). This was our first visit to Caitlan's Place but God willing it won't be our last.
Thursday, we started our day at Feeding Others Of Dartmouth
and then we went up to North Dartmouth to Freedom Foundation
Thursday afternoon saw us at Welcome Housing & Support
We do 2 of their buildings, Stewart Place & Amethyst Apts.
We went back downtown for Among Friends Social Club
Friday morning we made a stop at Stepping Stone in Dartmouth
then, we did Brunswick Street Mission & Souls Harbour Mission
We don't usually deliver on the weekend, but Saturday we were at Alcare Place and Aerobics First for the Fit It Forward program.
Tuesday we delivered gifts to a friend we have who is connected to the Mik'maw Native Friendship Center.