Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Santa Under The Bridge 2016

Santa Under The Bridge 2016 was a success. 

On December 1, 2016 Nancy, Steve and myself delivered to Among Friends Social Club and Feeding Others of Dartmouth. 


On Friday, December 2 we had the busiest day of all. Nancy and I dropped off items at BMO for the Mi'kmaw Friendship Center. 

Nancy and I met Betsy up in Dartmouth North to do deliveries for Freedom Foundation, Stewart Place, and Amethyst Apartments. 

Then, in the afternoon, we hooked up with Micheline Menard (one of our knitters) and did deliveries to Margeurite Centre and Herring Cove Apartments.

On Saturday, December 3, Nancy Irvine drove us over to Alcare Place. We had intended to do more places that day but most of them were closed.

On Monday, December 5, Cyndi helped us make deliveries to Direction 180, Laing House, and Aerobics First.

On Tuesday, December 6 we took the day off.

On Wednesday December 7, Donna, her husband, Nancy, and myself spread some holiday cheer to Souls Harbour Rescue Mission, Brunswick Street Mission, and Stepping Stone. 

We also brought Stepping Stone a check for $93 from the sale of jellyfish.

Later that day, Nancy and I brought a set of donations to n organization in downtown Dartmouth. I had intended to touch base with them first and I did not, so it created some confusion and they just decided to decline the donations. We gave them to Feeding Others of Dartmouth to whom we had also made a delivery on the previous Thursday. While we were there, we got talking with a lady from the FOOD program and she recommended a place called SHYM (Supportive Housing For Young Mothers).

On Sunday, December 11, we made a delivery to SHYM of 9 gift bags, some of the Disney books and we brought them a jellyfish for their tree.

The only place remaining was CLUB 24 on Dundas Street, which we usually do close to Xmas Eve. On December 22 we gave them 12 gift packs and some children's books. 
I was informed by email that one of our knitters is now living in Lunenburg. She did not think she would be here in time for the deliveries so she gave the scarves she had knitted to Souls Harbour in Bridgewater, explaining that they were part of Last House on the Block Society. They agreed to use some of them and pass the remainder along to Souls Harbour in Halifax. That was about 30 scarves so together with the 270 we had, it brought our total this year to 300 scarves.