Wednesday, April 13, 2016



March was a good month for Last House on the Block Society. We received financial support from 5 city councilors, in districts 4, 5, 6, 7, and 13 so that thickened up the pot. Still a long way to go until we reach our annual budgetary needs, but we still have a lot of the year left.

Also, something else quite unexpected happened. Our co-founders, Bernie and Nancy Schultz, were nominated for an award. Each year, the Province of Nova Scotia holds the Provincial Volunteer Awards Luncheon and at this year's ceremony,Bernie and Nancy were awarded Family Volunteers of the Year. Not all the volunteer work they do is with Last House on the Block Society but a great deal of it is.

The event was hosted by the Honorable Stephen MacNeil, Premier of Nova Scotia, the Honorable Joanne Bernard, Minister of the Voluntary Sector, and His Honor, Brigadier General JJ Grant, the Lieutenant-Governor.  Bernie had made a few jokes that he was having lunch with the Premier, but only because the Premier was the host. What Bernie didn't know was that he would be seated at the same table as the visiting dignitaries and did, in fact, have lunch with them. He was humbled by the experience. Mr. MacNeil thought they better take a picture for Bernie to show his friends.

Lots of City Councillors were there. Bernie and Nancy had a chance to speak to some of our supporters, such as Tony Mancini, Councillor for District 6.

We were almost able to have all our Directors at the event, but unfortunately Trish could not make it. Pictured below are Steve, Nancy, Bernie, and Donna. The award was presented to Nancy and Bernie but they both agree that it really belongs to everyone, to all the volunteers associated with our Santa Under The Bridge Project and our Society in general.

In the winter of 1997-1998, Bernie was a homeless man who spent many a night in a sleeping bag under the MacDonald Bridge. Last week, he had lunch with the Premier and the Lieutenant Governor. That should be proof enough to anyone who is struggling, that if you put a little effort into it, you can rise above anything.

There's quite a story here. If Bernie ever publishes his book, you should read it.