Old Man Winter is hanging on, but we're sure spring will come....eventually. Due to limited parking at our usual board meeting location, we held it this month at a coffee shop in the area. It was great to see everyone. Seven out of eight directors were in attendance. We got a chance to swap shoveling stories and to conduct a bit of business.
We have a cheesecake draw coming up for Mother's Day, as well as a raffle on our gift basket. The basket itself isn't full yet, but it's starting to come together. We hope to have it jam packed with goodies in time for the draw.
As it stands right now, we have 75 adult scarves, 8 children's scarves, 5 headbands, 4 hats and 24 dish cloths for our 2015 Santa Under the Bridge Project. I know it's hard to think about next winter when we haven't even finished this one..........